Giving Tuesday is November 30, 2021

People can show their generosity in a variety of ways during GivingTuesday⁠⁠—whether it’s helping a neighbor, advocating for an issue, sharing a skill, or giving to causes—everyone has something to give and every act of generosity counts.
The Sterling Initiatives Managed Preventative Care Organization (SIMPCO) is a new, common sense paradigm for improving the health of Americans. At its core are the types of preventative health services available to a smaller than optimal percentage of the Managed Care Organization’s Medicaid demographic. SIMPCO proposes to take a place alongside other MCOs, and will focus on preventive and promotive health services that additionally provide assistance to the collective efforts of other MCOs. SIMPCO’s efforts would produce specific outcomes, including increasing access to care, and improving both objective and perceived quality with healthcare services in its markets. We seek to start with an engagement of 500,000 lives across Illinois.