Exercise Physical and Mental Health Benefits

Medically established ways that a routine of regular exercise provides physical and mental health benefits.
· Exercise controls your weight by burning calories.
· Exercise reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease by improving your heart’s function. It lowers the risk of both heart attacks and strokes.
· Exercise reduces your risk for type 2 diabetes and combinations of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high glucose levels (together known as metabolic syndrome).
· Exercise specifically reduces your risk of colon and breast cancers, and it probably reduces your risk of endometrial and lung cancers.
· Exercise improves the functioning of your immune system.
· Exercise strengthens your bones and muscles, and it keeps your joints functioning well.
· Exercise maintains your mobility and agility, it improves your ability to perform the activities of daily living and prevent falls as you age.
· Exercise slows the development of arthritis.
· Exercise improves your mental health and mood by stimulating pleasurable parts of your brain and improving blood flow to your brain.
· Exercise reduces the rate of depression.
· Exercise reduces the development of insomnia and other sleep disorders.